Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Kjoi studios team diva!

I am proud to say that I am now designing for the Kjoi studios diva team. Each month we are assigned one designer to create for. My designer for November was SaL
You can find her kits in the Kjoi studios store

Here are two layouts that I created with her Zen Garden kit. Totally fun stuff!


scrappermimi said...

Love your LO's! They look awesome! One of the designers comes to my blog and told me to check the K-joi site out that it is really cool!

Have a great time designing for them, well done!

Elizabeth said...

Congratulations!! These are great and what a great accomplishment! I LOVE your frog photo, it's really really cute!!

milkcan said...

Awesome layouts! Just fab!

Kim Sonksen said...

Congratulations Gina!!!!! That is awesome news and your layouts are fab!

thanks for stipping by my blog, btw